Friday, May 1, 2009


I will never forget the first time I experienced a work by Swoon. The precarious steps I took on scattered beams of wood and the feeling of discovery when I encountered one of her paper cut-outs while walking down N.E. 2nd Ave. in Miami some four Art Basels ago. A stream of fascination returned to me this morning as I discovered her latest endeavor. She and her crew will be sailing the Adriatic Sea from Slovenia towards Venice in time for the Biennale. Their vessels are made of recycled materials and they are relying on the kindness of strangers and teamwork as they traverse from town to town collecting treasures and making music. 
This interview in Yatzer is amazing and provides an in-depth scope of the project as well as the overall artistic concepts that Swoon puts forth in her work. 

You can be a part of this too! Support their journey by purchasing the print above through Swimming Cities. The artwork was made specifically for this project. Isn't it beautiful! The images above were taken by Tod Seelie


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